Driver Improvement Classes
Online Traffic School
This Online Course Pays for Itself...
According to mandated state laws, people age 55 and older who complete a
state approved defensive driving course are eligible to receive a 10
percent, three-year discount on auto insurance.
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Click above and select your state
You will be eligible for the Mature Drivers
if you are 55 years of age or older! Start saving as soon as you complete the course. And the savings keep coming for the next three (3) years!!!
All residents aged 55 or older qualify for a discount of between 10-15% simply by taking this user-friendly online course. You could save thousands over the course of the discount!
It certainly pays
for itself to take the course right away. Check with your agent/company
for more information regarding premium discounts.
Your Success is Guaranteed
With subject-specific chapters and unlimited quiz retakes, you are guaranteed to pass and receive your insurance discount. You never need to leave your home, you never have to sit for hours in a classroom, and you will save both time and money in the process.
up today and start your savings!!!! You may take as long as needed to complete the course, or complete the course all at once if
you prefer...
Alaska 55+ Mature Driver Program
Defensive Driving Class for the state of AK.
Adak, AK
Afognak, AK
Akhiok, AK
Akiachak, AK
Akiak, AK
Akutan, AK
Alakanuk, AK
Alatna, AK
Alcan, AK
Aleknagik, AK
Allakaket, AK
Alyeska, AK
Ambler, AK
Anaktuvuk Pass, AK
Anchor Point, AK
Anchorage, AK
Anderson, AK
Angoon, AK
Aniak, AK
Anvik, AK
Arctic Village, AK
Atka, AK
Atmautluak, AK
Atqasuk, AK
Auke Bay, AK
Aurora, AK
Aurora Lodge, AK
Barrow, AK
Bartlett Cove, AK
Basher, AK
Bear Creek, AK
Beaver, AK
Beluga, AK
Bethel, AK
Bettles, AK
Big Delta, AK
Big Lake, AK
Birch Creek, AK
Birchwood, AK
Black, AK
Brevig Mission, AK
Buckland, AK
Butte, AK
Campbell, AK
Cantwell, AK
Central, AK
Chalkyitsik, AK
Chandalar, AK
Chariot, AK
Chatanika, AK
Chefornak, AK
Chena Hot Springs, AK
Chenega, AK
Chenega Bay, AK
Chevak, AK
Chickaloon, AK
Chicken, AK
Chignik, AK
Chignik Lagoon, AK
Chignik Lake, AK
Chiniak, AK
Chisana, AK
Chistochina, AK
Chitina, AK
Christian, AK
Chugiak, AK
Circle, AK
Circle Hot Springs, AK
Clam Gulch, AK
Clark's Point, AK
Clover Pass, AK
Coffman-Cove, AK
Cohoe, AK
Cold Bay, AK
Coldfoot, AK
College, AK
Colorado, AK
Cooper Landing, AK
Copper Center, AK
Cordova, AK
Craig, AK
Crooked-Creek, AK
Crown Point, AK
Deadhorse, AK
Deering, AK
Delta Junction, AK
Deltana, AK
Diamond, AK
Diamond Ridge, AK
Dillingham, AK
Diomede, AK
Dogpatch, AK
Douglas, AK
Drift River, AK
Dutch-Harbor, AK
Eagle, AK
Eagle-River, AK
Eagle Village, AK
Edna Bay, AK
Eek, AK
Egavik, AK
Egegik, AK
Eielson AFB, AK
Eklutna, AK
Ekwok, AK
Elfin-Cove, AK
Elim, AK
Emmonak, AK
Espenberg, AK
Ester, AK
Evansville, AK
Excursion Inlet, AK
Eyak, AK
Fairbanks, AK
False Pass, AK
Farm Loop, AK
Ferry, AK
Fishhook, AK
Flat, AK
Fort Greely, AK
Fort-Richardson, AK
Fort Yukon, AK
Four Mile Road, AK
Fox, AK
Fox River, AK
Freshwater Bay, AK
Fritz Creek, AK
Funny River, AK
Funter, AK
Gakona, AK
Galena, AK
Gambell, AK
Game Creek, AK
Gateway, AK
Girdwood, AK
Glacier View, AK
Glennallen, AK
Golden, AK
Golovin, AK
Goodnews-Bay, AK
Grant Creek, AK
Grayling, AK
Gulkana, AK
Gustavus, AK
Haines, AK
Halibut Cove, AK
Hamilton Acres, AK
Hamilton, AK
Happy Valley, AK
Harding-Birch Lakes, AK
Harding Lake, AK
Hawk Inlet, AK
Healy, AK
Herring Cove, AK
Hobart Bay, AK
Holikachuk, AK
Holy Cross, AK
Homer, AK
Homesite Park, AK
Hood Bay, AK
Hoonah, AK
Hooper Bay, AK
Hope, AK
Houston, AK
Hughes, AK
Huslia, AK
Hydaburg, AK
Hyder, AK
Iditarod, AK
Igiugig, AK
Iliamna, AK
Jack Wade, AK
Juneau, AK
Kachemak, AK
Kachemak City, AK
Kake, AK
Kaktovik, AK
Kalifornsky, AK
Kalskag, AK
Kaltag, AK
Kantishna, AK
Karluk, AK
Kasaan, AK
Kasigluk, AK
Kasilof, AK
Kenai, AK
Kennicott, AK
Kenny Lake, AK
Ketchikan, AK
Kiana, AK
King Cove, AK
King Salmon, AK
Kipnuk, AK
Kivalina, AK
Klawock, AK
Klukwan, AK
Knik, AK
Knik-Fairview, AK
Knik River, AK
Kobuk, AK
Kodiak, AK
Kokhanok, AK
Koliganek, AK
Kongiganak, AK
Kotlik, AK
Kotzebue, AK
Koyuk, AK
Koyukuk, AK
Kupreanof, AK
Kustatan, AK
Kvichak, AK
Kwethluk, AK
Kwigillingok, AK
Kwikpak, AK
Lake Louise, AK
Lake Minchumina, AK
Lakes, AK
Larsen Bay, AK
Lazy Mountain, AK
Lemon Creek, AK
Levelock, AK
Lime Village, AK
Livengood, AK
Lowell Point, AK
Lower Kalskag, AK
Lutak, AK
Makushin, AK
Manley Hot Springs, AK
Manokotak, AK
Marshall, AK
Matanuska, AK
McCarthy, AK
McGrath, AK
McKinley Park, AK
Meadow Lakes, AK
Medfra, AK
Mekoryuk, AK
Mendeltna, AK
Mendenhall Valley, AK
Mentasta Lake, AK
Metlakatla, AK
Meyers-Chuck, AK
Millers Landing, AK
Minto, AK
Montana, AK
Moose Creek, AK
Moose Pass, AK
Mosquito Lake, AK
Mount Edgecombe, AK
Mountain Point, AK
Mountain View, AK
Mountain Village, AK
Mud Bay, AK
Musk Ox, AK
Nabesna, AK
Naknek, AK
Nanwalek, AK
Napakiak, AK
Napaskiak, AK
Naukati Bay, AK
Nelchina, AK
Nelson Lagoon, AK
Nenana, AK
New Stuyahok, AK
Newhalen, AK
Newtok, AK
Nightmute, AK
Nikiski, AK
Nikolaevsk, AK
Nikolai, AK
Nikolski, AK
Ninilchik, AK
Noatak, AK
Nolan, AK
Nome, AK
Nondalton, AK
Noorvik, AK
North Nenana, AK
North Pole, AK
Northway, AK
Northway Junction, AK
Northway Village, AK
Nuiqsut, AK
Nulato, AK
Nunachuk, AK
Nunaka Valley, AK
Nunam-Iqua, AK
Nunapitchuk, AK
Nushagak, AK
Ohogamiut, AK
Old Bettles, AK
Old Harbor, AK
Olnes, AK
Orca, AK
Oscarville, AK
Ouzinkie, AK
Palmer, AK
Paxson, AK
Pedro Bay, AK
Pelican, AK
Perryville, AK
Peters Creek, AK
Petersburg, AK
Petersville, AK
Pilot Point, AK
Pilot Station, AK
Platinum, AK
Pleasant Valley, AK
Point-Baker, AK
Point Hope, AK
Point Lay, AK
Point MacKenzie, AK
Poorman, AK
Port Alexander, AK
Port-Alsworth, AK
Port Armstrong, AK
Port Chilkoot, AK
Port Graham, AK
Port Heiden, AK
Port Higgins, AK
Port Lions, AK
Port Protection, AK
Port San Juan, AK
Port Wakefield, AK
Prudhoe Bay, AK
Ptarmigan, AK
Quinhagak, AK
Rampart, AK
Red Devil, AK
Red Dog Mine, AK
Ridgeway, AK
Rogers Park, AK
Ruby, AK
Russian Mission, AK
Saint George, AK
Saint Marys, AK
Saint Michael, AK
Saint Paul, AK
Salamatof, AK
Salcha, AK
Salt Chuck, AK
Sand Point, AK
Savonoski, AK
Savoonga, AK
Saxman, AK
Scammon Bay, AK
Selawik, AK
Seldovia, AK
Seldovia Village, AK
Seward, AK
Shageluk, AK
Shaktoolik, AK
Shishmaref, AK
Shoreline Drive, AK
Shungnak, AK
Silver Springs, AK
Silvertip, AK
Sitka, AK
Situk, AK
Skagway, AK
Skwentna, AK
Slana, AK
Slaterville, AK
Sleetmute, AK
Snug Harbor, AK
Soldotna, AK
South Fairbanks, AK
South Naknek, AK
Spenard, AK
Squaw Harbor, AK
St. George, AK
St. Mary's, AK
St. Michael, AK
St. Paul, AK
Standard, AK
Stebbins, AK
Sterling, AK
Stevens Village, AK
Stony River, AK
Sullivan Camp, AK
Sunshine, AK
Suntrana, AK
Susitna, AK
Sutton, AK
Takotna, AK
Talkeetna, AK
Tanacross, AK
Tanaina, AK
Tanana, AK
Tatitlek, AK
Taylor, AK
Tazlina, AK
Tee Harbor, AK
Teller, AK
Tenakee-Springs, AK
Tetlin, AK
Tetlin Junction, AK
Thane, AK
Thorne-Bay, AK
Todd, AK
Togiak, AK
Tok, AK
Tokeen, AK
Toklat, AK
Toksook Bay, AK
Tolsona, AK
Tonsina, AK
Totem Park, AK
Trapper Creek, AK
Tuluksak, AK
Tuntutuliak, AK
Tununak, AK
Tuomi, AK
Turnagain Heights, AK
Twin Hills, AK
Two Rivers, AK
Tyonek, AK
Ugashik, AK
Umiat, AK
Unalakleet, AK
UnAlaska, AK
Upper Kalskag, AK
Usibelli, AK
Valdez, AK
Vanderbilt Hill, AK
Venetie, AK
Wainwright, AK
Wales, AK
Ward Cove, AK
Wasilla, AK
West Juneau, AK
Whale Pass, AK
White Mountain, AK
Whittier, AK
Willow, AK
Willow Creek, AK
Willow Lake, AK
Wilson Village, AK
Wiseman, AK
Womens Bay, AK
Wrangell, AK
Yakutat, AK
York, AK
All Counties in Alaska
Aleutians East County, AK
Aleutians West County, AK
Anchorage County, AK
Bethel County, AK
Bristol Bay County, AK
Denali County, AK
Dillingham County, AK
Fairbanks North Star County, AK
Haines County, AK
Juneau County, AK
Kenai Peninsula County, AK
Ketchikan Gateway County, AK
Kodiak Island County, AK
Lake and Peninsula County, AK
Matanuska Susitna County, AK
Nome County, AK
North Slope County, AK
Northwest Arctic County, AK
Price of Wales County, AK
Sitka County, AK
Skagway Hoonah Angoon County, AK
Southeast Fairbanks County, AK
Valdez Cordova County, AK
Wade Hampton County, AK
Wrangell Petersburg County, AK
Yakutat County, AK
Yukon Koyukuk County, AK